One of the privileges of my job is that I get to talk to people involved in the dairy industry from all around the world. And when we talk about pricing systems, the U.S. system is often admired
When the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in early 2020, the 2018 Farm Bill was just over one year old, with key provisions just beginning to be implemented
Myth Busting Heat - Provimi WebinarPresented by Tim Thompson, PASCreated by ProvimiTim Thompson, PAS, will bust common myths around heat stress and share tips to help cows better tolerate heat.This we
DairyLivestream is a special series of web meeting broadcasts featuring expert perspective from dairy economists and leaders. This week's episode will discuss the challenges facing dairy companies an
DairyLivestream is a special series of web meeting broadcasts featuring expert perspective from dairy economists and leaders. This week's episode will discuss the challenges facing dairy companies an
Most people who have spent time working with fresh cows would agree that clinical hypocalcemia, often known as milk fever, becomes more of a problem as cows get older
When COVID-19 hit in early 2020, unemployment rates across the United States were low. While the initial wave of the disease caused a number of layoffs and furloughs
Though just tiny pieces of real estate, a cow’s four teat ends are the gateway for various kinds of pathogens from the environment to enter the udder and cause mastitis
It was once common practice to treat nearly every fresh cow with a bottle of calcium intravenously (IV) to ward off milk fever, or clinical hypocalcemia
There are nickels, dimes, and quarters lying around on dairy farms all over the place. Of course, I’m figuratively speaking as there are no loose coins to actually be found. Yet, I’m convinc
With economic uncertainty continuing and more discussion of the potential for a recession in the U.S., examining the effects of past recessions on key dairy industry metrics is appropriate
Group housing for preweaned calves often comes with an investment in automated feeders, but it doesn’t have to. The Paxton family of Grove City, Pa., is a working example of this.At Irishtown Acres
“Lameness is a very broad, complicated disorder,” began Jan Shearer during a Cornell University virtual workshop on understanding and mitigating the condition
A $2.25 drop in per hundredweight (cwt.) pay price. . . that’s a substantial price reduction. That’s doubly true when the shift occurred in less than a three-month window
The use of by-product feeds has been a longtime dairy farmer practice to effectively recycle valuable nutrients that are either indigestible or undesirable for human consumption
I don’t ever remember a time when food security, fuel security, and farm security were more critical. The way we see this playing out presently is not pretty